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Webmetrics ranking of the top 3000 world universities

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:40 pm
by Al-Wahedi
Dear Society members:

We would like to have your attention to Webometrics Ranking of the Top 3000 World Universities for Year 2005. In addition to a list of top USA & Canadian, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania top Universities.

Kindly visit:


The following factors were considerd in the evaluation:

The universities are classified by a mathematical combination of the rankings according to their websize, number of rich files, number of papers published in the last ten years and records in the Scholar.

The criteria combined include link visibility, number of citations to papers in the ISI database and number of visits (popularity) to the web domain.

The list is presented according to their position in the Shanghai’s ranking, and the Webometrics, Times and ESI citation rankings are also provided for comparative purposes.

Iraqi Society for Higher Education Abroad